Annual Membership Dues

Chorister Membership
Annual Membership Dues
Welcome to Bellevue Youth Choirs! Our choir membership requires an annual non-refundable registration fee. Our new season starts in September and it is going to be exciting! We are so happy you are joining us. Choristers in grade 3 and above need to purchase a ONE-TIME vocal placement/audition session and meet with our Artistic Director. Once registered, you will be invited to enroll your chorister in one of our 5 choirs.

Please complete the membership profile information first for yourself AND then in YOUR PROFILE, please link your child to your account and add all of their pertinent information. Please be sure to include age, grade (in September), and emergency contact information.
Date range: From 07-03-2023 to 06-10-2024
$100.00 One time
Member type: standard
Subgroup: Candidate

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